Wednesday 12 October 2011


The soap revolves around different storylines which are all occurring within the same neighbourhood. The soap tackles challenges faced by individuals in society; some of which are real life stories I have witnessed. Many of the issues addressed in the TV soap are those which are possibly faced by our target audience. Each plot will link with each storyline as the soap will be based in the same area. The soap opera will begin with introducing characters on a highstreet, making their way to work, college, etc. As this is realistically typical start to a day, viewers will be able to relate to this.
The different plots will include:
·         The first storyline reveals the lifestyle of two different cultured families; one a Pakistani family, and the other an Indian family; living side by side in society within the same neighbourhood. Rizwaan (from the Pakistani family) and Riya (from the Indian family) are madly in love, starting off as a teenage relationship, and developing into something strong and serious, after being together for almost four years. However, their relationship is not as perfect as a fairytale. Both Rizwaan and Riya are living double lives; cultural at home, and code switching to a more British identity outside their home. They face conflicts and challenges of being together, as both their families would never accept the relationship. Riwaan’s family wants a traditional Pakistani daughter-in-law, whereas Riya’s family wants an Indian son-in-law.

·         A nineteen year old boy, trying to balance the stresses of his home life and university life. Michael has recently found out that his father is suffering from cancer, making it increasingly difficult for him to focus on his exams and deadlines. Unable to cope with the stresses experienced, Michael’s social life begins to take a downfall as he becomes very depressed, and rather than his old habits of partying with friends, he spends all his free time at home looking after his father.

·         16 year old Tamika and her boyfriend Sam have an on and off sexual relationship, where Tamika becomes pregnant. Tamika wants to keep the baby as she is strongly against any forms of killing, whether it is to take the pill or have an abortion. However, Sam seems to be totally against it and is not ready to become a ‘daddy’. Tamika has full support from her single mum; however, she does not want the baby to end up fatherless and therefore becomes stressed.
Target Audience
This soap is particularly aimed at a family orientated audience, as it tackles issues that people in the contemporary society may have to deal with. Issues dealing with the family, such as the storyline of Riwaan and Riya, would benefit the families of those who are strongly cultural; by maybe helping them understand how difficult it is for the couples that love each other.
This soap opera will be aired three times a day during the weekdays at 20:00. The time is effective in attracting the family audience as this is the time where families come home from institutions such as school, college, work etc.

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