Sunday 2 October 2011

Analysis of a Title Sequence - Coronation Street

The title sequence of any soap opera holds a significant importance as it sets the theme for the audience before the soap begins. Coronation Street’s trailer begins with a crane-shot of a neighbourhood, as well as the appearance of the title ‘Coronation Street’ in the bottom, left-hand corner of the shot. The instrumentation plays a tune that seems to be rather sorrowful; however, the rhythmic double bass is able to merge an air of pensive wistfulness with vigilant optimism. The steady pace of the hum-drum seems to encapsulate the common day-in, day-out feel of the atmosphere in the soap. Also, as the music possesses an ‘old-time’ feel, it suggests that this soap is intended for an older audience, aged perhaps 25 and over.
The sequence continues with a cross-fade presenting an alley that looks on to a street. These clips all lack the presence of any characters, only showing blurred people in the background, almost seeming anonymous. This may suggest that the company may not feel the need to introduce any characters within the title sequence as this is left for the episode to present the characters, seeming as though this setting is waiting to be populated by the characters. Otherwise, the lack of characters in the title sequence may be due to the fact that the audience should maybe already know the characters as it is a soap opera after all, where the viewers follow the episodes.
As the sequence progresses to cross-fade, the back gardens of the neighbourhood is shown with a cat walking along the shed, also introducing the writer ‘Peter Whalley’. The presence of the cat can be acknowledged by the audience as a pet being a part of family life. It could also be associated with an older generation, again signifying that the soap is intended for an older audience.
The end of the sequence proposes a final cross-fade to ‘Rover’s Return Inn’, the local pub, with a train emerging in the background. The use of the shot in which the pub is shown, clearly suggests that this pub holds significance throughout the soap and could also be the setting where majority of the excitement and drama takes place.
By researching and analyzing the title sequence of Coronation Street, it is clear that music plays a huge role in attracting the audience’s attention to the soap by helping viewers identify with the music played in the title sequence. Editing is also big when it comes to creating a title sequence as the transitions used, as well as the blurring effects, are essential in setting the theme for the soap, which is something I have to consider when creating to my own soap trailer.

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