Thursday 2 February 2012

Plan for filming

Location - School building.
Below is the narrative of what is going to occur when we film and what we are going to film throughout the trailer:
·         Amber, Louise, Diane and Tanny are seen walking together down a corridor.
·         They enter the common room and sit together closely.
·         The purpose of this scene is to show a strong sense of friendship between the four girls. The common room is also shown in this first scene to present a community.
·         Diane is shown sitting alone in the common room.
·         She looks around, almost in search of someone and then receives a text.
·         The camera pans around into a point-of-view shot to show the text which reads “I know you did it.”
·         The intention of this scene is to show that there is some mystery behind Diane’s character.
·         Amber and Tansu are shown walking together in the school corridors, talking about Diane wondering what is up with her.
·         This is to show the audience that Diane seems to be mysteriously absent on that Wednesday, without informing her close friends what is wrong with her.
·         An over-the-shoulder shot of a mysterious character looking at Diane is shown.
·         This portrays an edgy feel to the trailer as another unknown character is shown; which the audience are unfamiliar with.
·         Diane is seen looking through a window.
·         This signifies her misery of being alone staring out of a window.
·         Again, Amber, Louise, Diane and Tanny are all shown sitting in the common room, talking.
·         Diane is seen looking quite upset in this scene.
·         We decided to use the location of the common room three times in our trailer as one of the conventions presented to us through all the soap trailers we viewed was a sense of community, which is required for establishing realism. For example, in Eastenders, the pub is seen as the center of the soap where the characters meet and new stories are introduced. Similarly, we decided to keep a location of the common room as the center of our soap as this area is realistically the area in which most Sixth Formers meet and socialize, showing that this location should be presented with more importance than the other locations in the soap. This works well in terms of drawing in the audience to the center of the soap and proposing a location which the audience can identify with.
·         For the second scene, Diane is shown in the school toilets, looking in the mirror at something the audience cannot see.
Additional scene:
·         We decided to show the title of the soap after showing the scenes for each day of week, similarly with a black background and white font; however, we plan of displaying the title in the middle of the screen, whereas the days of the week will be shown in the bottom left corner of the screen.
·         After the title is shown, we’ll surprise the audience with the shot of Diane’s feet dangling, which is attract the audience to the trailer, leaving them questioning what the reason behind her suicide is.

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